otac Hariton

A quarter of a century since the abduction and brutal massacre of the 39-year-old monk of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Father Hariton, in Prizren, Kosovo and Metohija

Father Hariton was driving his car from the seminary to the Sveti Archangeli monastery when members of the KLA stopped him in front of the former JNA House, pulled him out of the vehicle, forced him into his jeep, stole his car and headed in an unknown direction. 


otac hariton


All of this happened in front of the eyes of the KFOR troops from the German contingent who were stationed in the town on Bistrica just 3 days earlier.


According to the data of the Registry for Missing Persons, more persons of Serbian nationality were abducted in Prizren that day.


otac Hariton


The massacred remains of Father Hariton were found in August 2000 in a mass grave in the Tusus settlement in Prizren.


Father Hariton was brutally murdered. He had several broken vertebrae, broken ribs and left arm, and his head was never found.


He was identified on the basis of a rosary, an identity card and a monk's clothes that were cut in the front in the heart area.


dokazi otac Hariton

All evidence was submitted to international institutions in Kosovo and Metohija and The Hague, but to this day the perpetrators have not been prosecuted nor has anyone been held accountable for this crime.

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