Kosovoi Metohija, Vladika Artemije
Његово Преосвештенство Епископ Артемије Vladika Artemije
His Eminence Bishop Artemije
His Eminence Bishop Artemije (January 15, 1935 – November 21, 2020) On the day before the Feast of the Epiphany (Venerable Seraphim of Sarovsk) on January 15, 1935, as the sixth of...
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Medjunarodni dan nestalih
Today, the world celebrates the International Day of the Missing
Today the world celebrates the International Day of the Missing Despite the fact that in May of last year, the President of Serbia A. Vučić and the so-called Prime Minister of Kosovo* A. Kurti signed the Declaration in Brussels...
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Episkop Artemije
Return to Osojane
Return to Osojane The only sustainable return of exiled Serbs for 23 years is in Osojan, Metohija. The return action was carried out in the night between August 12 and 13, 2001, with close coordination...
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Teroristički napad na srpsku decu u metohijskom Goraždevcu
Terrorist attack on Serbian children in Goraždevac, Metohija
Terrorist attack on Serbian children in Goraždevac, Metohija Goraždevac, Metohija, 2003 The heat of that 13th August day and the carefree roar of children on the river Bistrica...
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Krvava žetva Staro Gracko
Bloody harvest - Staro Gracko - Kosovo and Metohija 1999.
Bloody harvest - Staro Gracko - Kosovo and Metohija 1999. The bloody harvest in Stari Gracko in Kosovo and Metohija will count its 26th anniversary tomorrow without an answer to the question of who killed...
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 најстрашнијег страдања
The days of the most terrible suffering of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija after the entry of international civil and military missions into our southern province in June 1999
The days of the most terrible suffering of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija after the entry of international civil and military missions into our southern province in June 1999 The period from June 15 to 20...
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otac Hariton
A quarter of a century since the abduction and brutal massacre of the 39-year-old monk of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Father Hariton, in Prizren, Kosovo and Metohija
A quarter of a century since the abduction and brutal massacre of the 39-year-old monk of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Father Hariton, in Prizren, Kosovo and Metohija Father Hariton drove his car from the seminary to the Sveti Archangeli monastery...
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Episkop Artemije
They also forged the signature of Patriarch Pavle in order to please the Americans
They also forged the signature of Patriarch Pavle in order to please the Americans The state and the church since 1920, when the Patriarchate of Peć was supposed to be revived, to be the center of the Serbian Orthodox Church there, on the wrong...
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Episkop Artemije
SPC IS GUILTY, IT DID NOT DEFEND KOSOVO Amfilohije, Atanasije and Irinej Bulović betrayed the church and the Orthodox faith When, in the spring of 1991, he was elected bishop of Raska-Prizren, Artemije...
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Vladika Artemije Episkop Artemije
Bishop Artemije: "REALITY", a new term in the life of the Serbian Orthodox Church
Bishop Artemije: "REALITY", a new term in the life of the Serbian Orthodox Church TO THE HOLY COUNCIL OF BISHOPS "REALITY" is a new term in the life of the Serbian Orthodox Church The Holy Council of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, in its regular...
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Episkop Artemije
Bishop Artemije: On the Defender of Orthodoxy
Bishop Artemije: On the Defender of Orthodoxy - The protection of the faith of Christ "is greater, more valued and more glorious than all benefactors". Saint Gregory the Theologian - The protection of the faith of Christ "is greater than all...
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Vladika Artemije Епископ Артемије
Bishop Artemije: "ZEALOUS" WITHOUT ZEAL In our 21st century, the century of general apostasy and sinking into the heresy of ECUMENISM (and before that into the heresy of papism), some dare to fight,...
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Vladika Artemije Episkop Artemije
Bishop Artemije: Let it be known
Bishop Artemia: LET IT BE KNOWN The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church submitted to us its document AS no. 82 of May 25, 2015, signed by Patriarch Irinej, by which Us, among other things,...
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"The righteous will rejoice, but the sinners will weep. Then no one will be able to help us, but our deeds will condemn us."

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Bishop Artemije

Прот. Жарко Гавриловић: О случају владике Артемија (2010)

Будући да је његов духовни син Теодосије мој земљак, а показао се оцеубицом – владика Артемије га предложио за епископа а он отерао владику Артемија са епархије, заједно са митрополитом Амфилохијем, епископ Атанасијем,⤵️

☦️ Епископ Артемије: Ако Косово изађе из Србије, Србије више нема!

Јер, када из човека ишчупате срце, човека нема, остаје леш!

А Косово је срце Србије и колевка наше духовности, наше културе, нашег идентитета националног.

Без Косова нема Срба и нема Србије. ⤵️

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Disclosure Awaits


We are a team that cooperates and provides mutual support, that gathers on every project in order to fight for a common goal, that the injustice done to Bishop Artemije is going to be corrected and justice served.


Do you have any questions? We are always open to discussing our mission, new topics, and how we can help you.

"I thought that one day our people would gather in Gračanica to send me to rest here in the monastery cemetery." That would be easier for me than this today, but let it be God's will, I go where I have to, you stay where you have to, stay, protect our sanctuaries and our Kosovo."

Bishop Artemije

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