Vladika Artemije Episkop Artemije

Bishop Artemije: LET IT BE KNOWN

The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church submitted to us its document AS no. 82 of May 25, 2015, signed by Patriarch Irinej, by which, among other things, he "fraternally" invites us "to take the path of peace and unity with the Church" and to submit our answer "orally or in writing" to the Holy Synod of Bishops "in within three days".


Understanding that invitation as a "stretched hand" with the aim of returning the canonical order to the life of the Serbian Orthodox Church, which has been greatly disturbed lately, we responded to it in writing on 14/27. May 2015, expressing his readiness "if you are ready to meet for the same, and that is: that the confession of unadulterated faith, as handed down to us from the Savior by the wise Fathers and Saints, be a guide all the way to the Kingdom of Heaven".

Instead of accepting and meeting Our readiness, the Holy Synod of Bishops added another one, under ASbr. 50 and 106/reg. 250 from 28/15. in May 2015, by "deprivation of the monastic rank and exclusion from the Church", thus showing that their "God-loving letter" with a call for peace and unity, was not sincere and benevolent, as we pointed out in our response.


Nevertheless, it is still Our prayerful wish that the day will come as soon as possible when a man will be found on the throne of Saint Sava who will and will be able to turn the helm of the SPC and direct it to the path of Truth when we will once again be one and together in Christ Jesus our Lord. We pray for that day, we wait for that day. Whether and when that day will dawn does not depend on us but on the other side. In order for that much-desired peace and unity to happen (today or tomorrow), in our opinion, it is necessary for the Holy Synod of Bishops (present or future) to do the following:


  • To implement the Decision of the Parliament from 1997 on the withdrawal of the SPC from the SSC;
  • To implement the decisions from 2007-2008 on worship;
  • To withdraw all non-canonical and unconstitutional decisions about Us and our monasticism and to suspend all legal proceedings initiated against Us in civil courts;
  • To publicly distance himself from the heresy of ecumenism and to condemn it in parliament;
  • To abandon the fruitless theological dialogue with papists and other heretics;
  • To take a decisive stance towards the heretical teaching of Bishop Ignatius Midić and to condemn him (that teaching);
  • That, following the Holy Fathers and adhering to the Holy Canons, publicly condemn the actions of certain Bishops (present and future), who violated the Holy Canons: by common prayers and supplications with various heretics and lighting candles in the Jewish synagogue (Hanukkah), as well as those who went to pay homage to the pope and who wear papal rings and pectoral crosses, with their obligatory public repentance.

In one word: for the SPC to return to the path of the Holy Fathers and the Holy Tradition, from which it deviated.

ON THE OPPOSITE: Until further notice, we remain in the diachronic Church (Διαχρονικὴ Εκκλήσεις – the centuries-old Church), in communion with all the Saints, in the service of God and our people.


July 15, 2015
Bishop of Raška-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija in exile

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