Bishop Artemije speech at the United Nations Security Council after the March pogrom and ethnic cleansing of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija
For years, Bishop Artemije warned KFOR and the international community about their passivity regarding the suffering of the holy places and property of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the intense suppression of Serbian identity in Kosovo and Metohija, expulsions, atrocities and the seizure of territory and history. Unfortunately, he was right, the March pogrom confirmed it. The loudest reaction to the March violence was the reaction of Bishop Artemije. Starting from KFOR, through the KPS and the chain of command of the same, UNMIK and up to the top of the Serbian state, everyone shifted responsibility to each other and washed their hands of that mess. Specifically, clearly and loudly in the UN Security Council Bishop Artemije
14 August 2024
Повратак у Осојане Једини одржив повратак прогнаних Срба већ пуне 23 године је у метохијском Осојану. Акција повратка изведена је у ноћи између 12 и 13....
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