Episkop Artemije Vladika Artemije Истина је само једна Косво и Метохија

Bishop Artemije: "REALITY", a new term in the life of the Serbian Orthodox Church


"REALITY" a new term in the life of the Serbian Orthodox Church


The Holy Council of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, in its regular session in May 2008, under AS no. 5/, 0/, 10/, 13/ and 38/record. 74 of 20/7. In May 2008, he made the following decision: "To adopt the proposal of the Committee of the Holy Council of Bishops for Kosovo and Metohija and to ask His Eminence the Bishop of Raska-Prizren, Mr. Artemije, to accept the reality of this renewal,..."


What does this famous word "reality" mean? It is completely new in the language of the Church of the Living God. True, over the past few years, Western politicians and diplomats have begun to use a new phrase - both in international relations and in domestic politics: "You have to accept the reality that..." This phrase, in various variations, can be heard from Washington to Brussels and beyond. The phrase seems simple, but it has a sinister aspect that represents a threat to the understanding that the rule of law is the essential foundation of democracy, international relations, human rights, and conflict resolution.


That phrase "You have to accept the reality that..." has been repeated many times and addressed by foreign diplomats to Serbia and the Serbian people regarding Kosovo and Metohija. And that "reality" that "must be accepted" regularly means - independent Kosovo. All in all, it is clear that this "reality" is defined by the interests and politics of America and some EU members. There is no place for that discussion. This message requires the other side to forget facts, law, democracy, and to do what is required of it. No matter how painful, unfair, illegal, destabilizing it is. Reality must be accepted.


All this, Fathers and Brothers, is also reminded of the word used in the decision of this Holy Synod of Bishops, again regarding Kosovo and Metohija. The memorandum, its forced implementation, the inadequate and unsustainable restoration of our sanctuaries in Kosovo and Metohija in the last four years, which we talked about in our Presentation to this Parliament, clearly speak of that ominous word "reality". Unfortunately, in our case, the role of Western diplomats was taken over by the Holy Synod of Bishops, which is trying to force us to "accept reality" by force.


Behind all this lies the ugly truth that all this is just another name for the age-old notion that "force is law". There is also a need to recognize this as a morally superior concept to any possible alternative. These creators of "reality" (reality) must be recognized not only as those who are right when it comes to their understanding of the world and ideology but also as honest defenders of the truth (here: Kosovo and Metohija). In other words, we have another way of expressing arrogance and bullying. It is the actors' way of hiding their own insecurities, moral hypocrisy, and illegal behavior. This is, of course, much better and easier for them than accepting the true "reality" that Kosovo and Metohija are the inalienable treasure of the Serbian people, that our holy places cannot be protected and restored by centuries-old and sworn enemies, their demolishers and destroyers.


The bearers of this new ideology want to be masters of the "reality" they create and control. In order to do this, it is necessary to convince everyone, and above all themselves, that there really is no choice or alternative to the "reality" they offer. The calculation is simple: If there is no choice, then, by definition, there is no responsibility either. If there is no alternative reality, then they are not responsible for anything they do or decide to do.


Nevertheless, such people should know that only the Church of Christ has no alternative in this world because there is no other name under the sun by which they can be saved, except the name of the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ. It is our only and eternal REALITY that we must accept.


To the Holy Council of Bishops, devoted to the Lord


Bishop of Raska-Prizren
and Kosovo-Metohija

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