Kosovoi Metohija, Vladika Artemije


Medjunarodni dan nestalih
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Episkop Artemije
Return to Osojane
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Teroristički napad na srpsku decu u metohijskom Goraždevcu
Terrorist attack on Serbian children in Goraždevac, Metohija
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Bloody harvest - Staro Gracko - Kosovo and Metohija 1999.
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 најстрашнијег страдања
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The days of the most terrible suffering of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija after the entry of international civil and military missions into our southern province in June 1999 The period from June 15 to 20...
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otac Hariton
A quarter of a century since the abduction and brutal massacre of the 39-year-old monk of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Father Hariton, in Prizren, Kosovo and Metohija
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"I've said it and I'll say it again. Very simply, it should have been done back in 2008, when that country was proclaimed when UMNIK was replaced by EULEX. Then it was necessary to declare Urbi et Orbi, which means officially that the Government and Parliament of Serbia declare that Kosovo is an occupied part of the state of Serbia, full stop. There is no war, we do not call for war, we do not have to die, but that occupied territory will always be Serbian."

Bishop Artemije

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