Епископ Артемије Владика Артемије

14 years since the non-canonical and unreasonable decision to dismiss Bishop Artemije

14 years since the non-canonical and unreasonable decision on the dismissal of Bishop Artemije FEBRUARY 13, 2024 IS EXACTLY 14 YEARS SINCE THE NON-CANONICAL AND UNREASONABLE DECISION ON THE DISMISSAL OF BISHOP ARTEMIJE. That there was a lot of pressure on Bishop Artemije for a long time, even before the media raid on him, can be seen from a personal note written on February 7, 2010, six days [...]

14 years since the non-canonical and unreasonable decision to dismiss Bishop Artemije Read More »

Владика Артемије

Defense and betrayal of holy places in Kosovo and Metohija

Defense and betrayal of holy sites in Kosovo and Metohija Brussels Agreement 30 December 2023 Brussels Agreement PEACE AND SECURITY BRUSSELS AGREEMENTS OF KOSOVA AND SERBIA Quantitative assessment of implementation Špetim Gaši and Igor Novaković, December 2020 → Pristina... Crna Reka Monastery 9 July 2023 Crna Reka Monastery Crna Reka Monastery is dedicated to the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel.

Defense and betrayal of holy places in Kosovo and Metohija Read More »

Косово и Метохија

Bishop Artemije

Bishop Artemije Kosovo for centuries has been and remains a sign and standard by which the Serbian people and every Serb in particular is known and recognized. Without Kosovo, the Serbian nation would not exist. He would lose his national, moral and spiritual identity. Likewise, Serbia, as a country, is unthinkable without Kosovo. Serbia is a temple, and Kosovo is -

Bishop Artemije Read More »

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