Livadice Podujevo

Пуне 24 године од стравичног масакра над Србима пред очима међународне заједнице. Ливадице/Подујево – петак 16.02.2001

Пуне 24 године од стравичног масакра над Србима пред очима међународне заједнице. Ливадице/Подујево – петак 16.02.2001 Данас се навршавају 24 године од терористичког напада на аутобус “Ниш експреса” који је превозио расељене Србе из Ниша на Задушнице и у енклаве на Косову и Метохији. Напад се догодио у месту Ливадице код Подујева, погинуло је 12

Пуне 24 године од стравичног масакра над Србима пред очима међународне заједнице. Ливадице/Подујево – петак 16.02.2001 Read More »

дан заставе Албаније на Ким

Albanian Flag Day was first celebrated in Kosovo and Metohija in November 1999.

Дан заставе Албаније по први пут је обележен на Косову и Метхији новембра 1999. године Дан заставе Албаније по први пут је обележен на КиМ новембра 1999. год. Славље је пратило брутално убиство, пребијање и хапшење Срба.   Тог предзадњег новемарског дана, улице главног града наше покрајине и свиx већих градова на Косоцу и Метохији,

Albanian Flag Day was first celebrated in Kosovo and Metohija in November 1999. Read More »

Medjunarodni dan nestalih

Today, the world celebrates the International Day of the Missing

Today the world marks the International Day of the Missing. Despite the fact that in May last year, Serbian President A. Vučić and the so-called Prime Minister of Kosovo* A. Kurti signed the Declaration on Missing Persons in Kosovo and Metohija in Brussels, this issue is still lingering, primarily because official Pristina has been obstructing the meeting of the Working Group for three years.

Today, the world celebrates the International Day of the Missing Read More »


Return to Osojane

Return to Osojane The only sustainable return of exiled Serbs for 23 years is in Osojane, Metohija. The return action was carried out in the night between August 12 and 13, 2001, with the close coordination of UNMIK, KFOR and UNHCR, with the absolute cooperation of international institutions with the Bishop of Raska-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija, Artemi. In the morning hours of August 14, 2001. returnees were already accommodated

Return to Osojane Read More »

Teroristički napad na srpsku decu u metohijskom Goraždevcu

Terrorist attack on Serbian children in Goraždevac, Metohija

Terrorist attack on Serbian children in Goraždevac, Metohija Goraždevac, Metohija 2003 The heat of that 13th August day and the carefree children's laughter on the river Bistrica in the small town of Goraždevac in Metohija were interrupted by bursts of automatic weapons fired by as yet unknown assailants. . It was an attack on who knows what order

Terrorist attack on Serbian children in Goraždevac, Metohija Read More »

Krvava žetva Staro Gracko

Bloody harvest - Staro Gracko - Kosovo and Metohija 1999.

Bloody harvest - Staro Gracko - Kosovo and Metohija 1999 Bloody harvest in Staro Gracko in Kosovo and Metohija counts its 26th anniversary tomorrow without an answer to the question of who killed 14 Serbian reapers. Let it be recorded that KFOR rejected the Serbs' request that the army ensure the harvest. The massacre unfortunately proved that fear was

Bloody harvest - Staro Gracko - Kosovo and Metohija 1999. Read More »

најстрашнијег страдања

The days of the most terrible suffering of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija after the entry of international civil and military missions into our southern province in June 1999

The days of the most terrible suffering of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija after the entry of international civil and military missions into our southern province in June 1999. The period from June 15 to 20, 1999 in Kosovo and Metohija represents the most terrible suffering of a people, despite the presence of 50,000 international military troops which have committed themselves in the military-technical agreement, that they will do without

The days of the most terrible suffering of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija after the entry of international civil and military missions into our southern province in June 1999 Read More »

otac Hariton

A quarter of a century since the abduction and brutal massacre of the 39-year-old monk of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Father Hariton, in Prizren, Kosovo and Metohija

A quarter of a century since the abduction and brutal massacre of the 39-year-old monk of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Father Hariton, in Prizren, Kosovo and Metohija, Father Hariton was driving his car from the seminary to the Sveti Archangeli monastery when members of the KLA stopped him in front of the former JNA Home, pulled him out of the vehicle, pushed him into their jeep, hijacked his car and headed off into the unknown

A quarter of a century since the abduction and brutal massacre of the 39-year-old monk of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Father Hariton, in Prizren, Kosovo and Metohija Read More »

Kosovo i Metohija

Nothing new in Kosovo and Metohija

Nothing new in Kosovo and Metohija Today marks three years since the first official meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Kosovo's* "prime minister" Aljbin Kirti. The meetings were supposed to be for the purpose of normalizing relations. Three years later, nothing new in Kosovo and Metohija except the even worse position of the Serbs. Chronological overview In Brussels today (15

Nothing new in Kosovo and Metohija Read More »

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