Episkop Artemije

They also forged the signature of Patriarch Pavle in order to please the Americans

They also forged the signature of Patriarch Pavle in order to ingratiate themselves with the Americans. The state and the church since 1920, when the Patriarchate of Peć was supposed to be revived, to have the center of the Serbian Orthodox Church there, "defend" Kosovo in the wrong way. They don't actually defend him. First of all, the SPC had to have its own position on Kosovo, and it did not have one, it favored [...]

They also forged the signature of Patriarch Pavle in order to please the Americans Read More »

Episkop Artemije


The SPC IS GUILTY, IT DID NOT DEFEND KOSOVO Amfilohije, Atanasije and Irinej Bulović betrayed the church and the Orthodox faith. When he was elected bishop of Raška-Prizren in the spring of 1991, Artemije Radosavljević spent the next eight years, until the beginning of the war, reviving the diocese in which they find the most important Serbian shrines. He is from the Crna Reka monastery and others


Vladika Artemije Episkop Artemije

Bishop Artemije: "REALITY", a new term in the life of the Serbian Orthodox Church

Bishop Artemije: "REALITY", a new term in the life of the SPC HOLY COUNCIL OF ARCHIJERS "REALITY" a new term in the life of the SPC The Holy Council of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, in its regular session in May 2008, under AS number 5/, 0/, 10/ , 13/ and 38/record. 74 of 20/7. In May 2008, he made the following decision: "To adopt the proposal of the Holy Bishop's Committee."

Bishop Artemije: "REALITY", a new term in the life of the Serbian Orthodox Church Read More »

Episkop Artemije

Bishop Artemije: On the Defender of Orthodoxy

Bishop Artemije: On the bumper of Orthodoxy - The protection of the faith of Christ "is greater, more valued and more glorious than all benefactors". St. Gregory the Theologian   -The protection of the faith of Christ "is greater than all miracles, more saving than all prayers and exploits." St. Grigorije Duoslov - "It is better to let your tongue be cut out, than to remain silent and not defend the true faith, when

Bishop Artemije: On the Defender of Orthodoxy Read More »

Vladika Artemije Епископ Артемије


Bishop Artemije: "ZEALOUS" WITHOUT ZEAL In our 21st century, the century of general apostasy and sinking into the universal heresy of ECUMENISM (and before that into the heresy of papism), some dare to fight, to remain in the tradition of the holy Orthodox faith and church order, and they start that saving path: with words, sermons, statements, writings. However, they do not dare to decisively break with

Bishop Artemije: "ZEALOUS" WITHOUT ZEAL Read More »

Vladika Artemije Episkop Artemije

Bishop Artemije: Let it be known

Bishop Artemije: LET IT BE KNOWN The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church submitted to us its document AS no. 82 of May 25, 2015, signed by Patriarch Irinej, by which, among other things, he "fraternally" invites us "to take the path of peace and unity with the Church" and to submit our answer "orally or in writing" to the Holy Synod of Bishops "in within three

Bishop Artemije: Let it be known Read More »

Vladika Artemije Episkop Artemije

Bishop Artemije: Ecumenism - a danger much greater than all the sects put together

Bishop Artemije: Ecumenism - a danger much greater than all the sects of the gathering The sermon was delivered on the Sunday of the Holy Fathers, 26/05/1996. Mr. in the Bežani church. Bishop Artemia: There is one danger much greater and much more terrible than all the sects put together, even the Satanists themselves. This is the modern heresy of our time - the heresy of ECUMENISM. https://vladika-artemije.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Episkop-Artemije-Ekumenizam.mp4 Bishop Artemije: Little

Bishop Artemije: Ecumenism - a danger much greater than all the sects put together Read More »

Vladika Artemije Епископ Артемије

Bishop Artemije: A small return gift - a response to the attacks of Bishop Atanasije

Bishop Artemije: A small return gift - a response to the attacks of Bishop Athanasije "Preach the word, strive in good times and in bad times, reprove, threaten, plead with all bearing and teaching" (II Tim. 4, 2). Bishop Dr. Athanasije (Jevtić) understood this God-inspired and God-wise advice of the holy apostle Paul, addressed to his disciple Timothy, in his own way, as

Bishop Artemije: A small return gift - a response to the attacks of Bishop Atanasije Read More »

Episkop Artemije

Bishop Artemije: Open letter to Metropolitan Amfilohije

Bishop Artemije: Open letter to Metropolitan Amfilohije OPEN LETTER TO METROPOLITAN AMFILOHIJE, ADMINISTRATOR OF THE DIOCESE OF RAŠKO-PRIZREN, Although exiled from Kosovo and Metohija, We do not stop thinking about Kosovo and Metohija, praying for Kosovo and Metohija, following events in Kosovo and Metohija. This does not mean that we interfere or that we want to interfere in the governance and management of ERP

Bishop Artemije: Open letter to Metropolitan Amfilohije Read More »

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