In our 21st century, the century of general apostasy and sinking into the heresy of ECUMENISM (and before that into the heresy of papism), some dare to fight, to remain in the tradition of the holy Orthodox faith and the church order, and start on that saving path: words, sermons , statements, writings. However, they do not dare to make a decisive break with those who go or remain on the path of apostasy. They remain fighters (for a while) who talk and do not create, and finally stop talking.
Those who are zealous for the "traditions of the fathers" who think about salvation and the path that leads to it are aware of it, but parting with some habits, especially in the matter of preserving the "unity of the Church", postpone the final step in breaking with ecumenism until... tomorrow with the excuse: " it's not the moment yet". They are waiting for "signs" from the sky, but they don't see them all around them. It seems too big a sacrifice for them to suddenly stop everything. They would like to separate themselves from them (ecumenists) gradually so that nothing would catch the eye of others, and essentially the issue is unwillingness to make any and any sacrifice for the sake of preserving the true Faith.
However, that intention to delay almost always backfires. At first, this discrepancy is very noticeable. But already "tomorrow" and the promised change of conscience are closing their mouths. In this way, everything from "tomorrow" to "tomorrow", conscience (and zeal) gets tired of warning equally and finally starts with SILENCE. (Are there few such people today, above all among the "pastors" of the church?). And then thoughts come that it is possible to do it like this, that it is possible to leave everything as it is. That thought slowly gets stronger and finally settles down. This is how you get a face that is correct on the outside, but not on the inside. It is a painted grave in the eyes of God.
The worst thing is that converting (reawakening zeal in practice, not only in words) of such people is very difficult, almost as much as those who are hardened in public sins. And maybe even more difficult... And everything seems to be nothing to them.
Such "zealous" or "anti-ecumenists" not only show themselves to be "not ready for the Kingdom of God", but also serve as a stumbling block for many. They are the ones who not only do not enter the Kingdom of God themselves but also prevent those who would like to enter. Thus, convinced that they are following the path of salvation, they are preparing for themselves the sugubu of death, from which may the Lord deliver us.
17. 12. 2016.